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My voicemail is not working
Updated over 9 months ago

There might be 3 reasons why your voicemail is not working the way it should be:

  1. People Calling In Cannot Leave Messages

  2. Why Am I Being Asked For A PIN number When Accessing My Voicemail?

  3. I Am Not Getting Notified When I Have A Voicemail Message

People Calling In Cannot Leave Messages

People dialling into your Voicemail are not able to leave Voice messages.

What you need to do?

  • Test dial into your phone

  • Note exactly what happens.

  • Is the Mailbox full?

  • If Mailbox is full, please check if you can erase messages in the mailbox.

  • Does the phone keep ringing?

  • Check Call Diverts to ensure that your mobile number is not diverting off to another destination that does not have the Voice Mail facility.

Why Am I Being Asked For A Pin Number When Accessing My Voicemail?

Dialing into your voicemail box, you can be asked for a PIN number or set it up so it does not ask for a pin. However, if you're dialing from a landline into your Voice Message box then that's the time you have to put in a pin for security purposes.

What you need to do?

  1. "What process are you using to dial into your voicemail?" - i.e.. from a landline or the cell phone.

    1. From a landline

      • This is normal (if your default pin has not changed, then it is should be 1234)

      • If this is happening from your mobile - the voicemail will need troubleshooting

    2. From a mobile

      • Enter the voicemail from your handset,

      • Enter pin.

      • Enter the Personal set up menu and then the "Password" menu to turn the voicemail entry pin off while dialling from your mobile phone.

I Am Not Getting Notified When I Have A Voicemail Message

When people leave voice messages on your mobile but you are not receiving a notification that there is a voice message.

What you need to do?

  1. "Is the Text notification switched on for Voice Messages?"

    • Ensure that you check the Text Messaging notification is switched on in the Voice Message menu. Kindly refer to the Voicemail guide that you received with your mobile handset.

  2. "Is your voicemail full?"

    • You will need to clear some messages from your inbox to create more space in your voicemail.

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